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Today's athletes can become overwhelmed with the many career opportunities presented to them. Fortunately, Albatross Sports Group is here to help. We can aid you in navigating your prospects and strategizing how to maximize your brand and career.

What Sets Us Apart

  • The wandering Albatross seabirds have the largest wingspan of any bird in the world today and are great gliders—they can soar through the sky without flapping their wings for several hours at a time. They’re so efficient at flying that they can actually use up less energy in the air than they would while sitting in a nest.
  • A “double eagle” in golf
basketball game focus on ball
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What We Provide

Our athlete representation solutions include:

  • Negotiating NBA Contracts
  • Closing Product Endorsements
  • Securing Marketing Agreements
  • Handling Residential Real Estate Service Needs
  • Managing Sports-Related Legal Matters
  • Overseas Opportunities for Professional Basketball Players

First-Class Representation For All Of Our Athletes

Entrust your athlete representation and career support needs to the capable hands of our professionals. Reach out to us today for exemplary sports agent services. It would be our honor to represent you and your professional interests.